Monday 5 October 2009

Scene 1 of Closer - 'The Blowers Daughter' (Damien Rice)

Video of this -
(Excuse the non-English video, this was the best I could find! When the girl wakes up from being run over, she says 'Hello stranger')

I saw the film Closer a while ago, but the first scene has always stuck in my mind. When I came up with the idea of doing an acoustic music video, Damien Rice came in to my head, and consequently, the opening scene of Closer. The first scene is so simple - shots from two different viewpoints : one pointing towards a girl walking down the street, and another pointing towards a man doing the same thing. It's soon obvious that the man and woman are walking towards each other, and they've evidently noticed each other. Although the scene doesn't have much to it, it's an incredibly effective opening, partially because of the song used. It immediately sets the storyline and immediately draws you in to the film. I'm thinking of aiming for the same effect with my music video - something simple but that draws you in and really ties in with the lyrics of the song.

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