Monday 5 October 2009

Product Research - CD/Digipak covers!

- Overall look: simplistic. Black and white styled cover.
- Setting: Not shown, aim to not cause distraction? Rain, indicating tears - emotion to reflect emotion in song.
- Facial expression: in pain, severe, emotional - matches style of music. Looking away from the camera, as if looking at writing therefore meaning of writing seems powerful.
- Font: simple, but unique. Reflecting how he believes he is?

- Overall look: Incredibly simplistic, quite dull but with sudden bursts of colour (joy).
- Setting: Not shown - has been deliberately taken out of photo - indicates a sense of singer being lost/not noticing his surroundings - better things on his mind?
- Facial expression: Serious, contemplative, lost, worried. Indicating a depth to his music? Music with real meaning, that people can relate to.
- Font: Yet again, simple but unique. Aiming to reflect his simple, straightforward style of music with his own twist.

- Overall look: Unique, fun, arty, individual, simplistic, but clothes show a daring, exciting edge to her.
- Setting: Photographic studio - reflects music is purely about her+her talent?
- Facial expression: Serious - contradicts fun, exciting feel of photo-shoot (rainbow braces, sparkly top, relaxed pose), but indicates her serious motives when concerned with music production.
- Font: Very ordinary, simple font, but writing has been tilted - indicates her as an artist? Simple and conventional, but with an individual side to her?

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