Tuesday 20 October 2009

First Idea

  • As shown in the previous post, the lyrics of the song I'm using made me think of time, different ways of measuring time, and therefore sand (egg-timers).
  • I thought of various different ways of putting this idea across, for example, sand acting as rain over the artist and the artist only as if she's drowning in her sorrows and lack of time, and using the physicality of sand timers - the artist singing the song whilst turning over egg timers to imply her neverending waste of time.

  • After thinking of these ideas, I moved onto thinking about how I could portray the artist talking/singing about the matter instead of acting on it, and how that can be percieved as a waste of time. This led me to create an idea of the artist singing, but not being able to get her words out properly as there was just a stream of sand coming out of her mouth. After considering this idea, I decided it might not be best to use actual sand, as this may be dangerous/damaging for the artist's health, so I decided I want to try this but with brown sugar (to look like sand). There's a chance this may not work - the lip syncing may look terrible and not portray the image I'm hoping for, but I'm going to do a test of this at home on my video camera to check this.
  • When planning this test, I was having difficulties finding someone I'd like to use. After talking to Phoebe (the artist) about the idea, she'd be willing for it to be used but she wasn't willing to do it - which I was quite happy about because she's not really the style I was looking for. Ruling out Phoebe, I wanted to find an ordinary, mature-looking female.
    After considering who I could use I came up with the idea of using my sister - Ellie Perkin. She's 23, having the aesthetic maturity I was looking for, is a good actress, and is willing to shoot the video (using sugar) - the photo on the left is her.
  • After deciding on my model, I moved on to thinking about the setting I'd shoot it in. I was thinking it could be nice to shoot this outside, but I soon decided against this as the weather can be incredibly unpredictable and I don't want to have to rely on the weather to shoot my work, or rush the filming to get it done in one day. I then thought about using a photographic studio (the one in my school - I therefore have easy access to the studio, lighting and cameras.)
  • At first I was thinking my idea would be better the more simple it is, but I then realised I can project images/words onto the wall behind her/her face, and I think I might play around with this idea if I choose to finalise this idea.
  • I will upload the test footage at a later date!

Radiohead - No Surprises

I watched this music video and immediately got ideas for my advanced production. Although this is not the kind of music I'm focusing on; the simplicity but danger and excitement of the video really intrigued me. It is simply one shot of Thom Yorke (singer in Radiohead) singing the lyrics to the song, but he's trapped in an old glass diving suit. The helmet slowly fills up with water, giving him less and less air to breathe until he's competely emerged in water. This video implies being dragged under and losing control, I think the video portrays this idea really effectively. I like the simplicity of the video, and that it is only one shot. The fact that there's only one shot makes the video less complicated than it could have been - if there were more shots in the video I think it'd have ruined the neverending effect created.

This video affected me so much - I've recently been thinking about how I can create a music video similar to this; grotesque, outrageous but a simple idea. Here are a few of the ideas I thought of:

Tuesday 13 October 2009

  • Music Promotion

Main Product:

  • Music Video

Ancillary Product 1:

  • Magazine advert

Ancillary Product 2:

  • Digipack

Genre of Main Product:

  • Acoustic singer/songwriter

Target Audience:


  • Female aged 16-25


  • Old brief described a party girl that enjoyed 'roaming free', but after a change of song the first part isn't relevant.
  • Likes to roam free, very easy-going, calm.


  • Stereotypical student life, likes going out, but likes to relax a lot also.

Similar Media Products:

  1. KT Tunstall - "Suddenly I See"
  2. Laura Marling - "New Romantic"
  3. James Morrison - "You Make It Real"
  4. Damien Rice - "Nine Crimes"
  5. Beginning of film 'Closer'

Justification for choice of breif:

Monday 5 October 2009

Scene 1 of Closer - 'The Blowers Daughter' (Damien Rice)

Video of this -
(Excuse the non-English video, this was the best I could find! When the girl wakes up from being run over, she says 'Hello stranger')

I saw the film Closer a while ago, but the first scene has always stuck in my mind. When I came up with the idea of doing an acoustic music video, Damien Rice came in to my head, and consequently, the opening scene of Closer. The first scene is so simple - shots from two different viewpoints : one pointing towards a girl walking down the street, and another pointing towards a man doing the same thing. It's soon obvious that the man and woman are walking towards each other, and they've evidently noticed each other. Although the scene doesn't have much to it, it's an incredibly effective opening, partially because of the song used. It immediately sets the storyline and immediately draws you in to the film. I'm thinking of aiming for the same effect with my music video - something simple but that draws you in and really ties in with the lyrics of the song.

Product Research - CD/Digipak covers!

- Overall look: simplistic. Black and white styled cover.
- Setting: Not shown, aim to not cause distraction? Rain, indicating tears - emotion to reflect emotion in song.
- Facial expression: in pain, severe, emotional - matches style of music. Looking away from the camera, as if looking at writing therefore meaning of writing seems powerful.
- Font: simple, but unique. Reflecting how he believes he is?

- Overall look: Incredibly simplistic, quite dull but with sudden bursts of colour (joy).
- Setting: Not shown - has been deliberately taken out of photo - indicates a sense of singer being lost/not noticing his surroundings - better things on his mind?
- Facial expression: Serious, contemplative, lost, worried. Indicating a depth to his music? Music with real meaning, that people can relate to.
- Font: Yet again, simple but unique. Aiming to reflect his simple, straightforward style of music with his own twist.

- Overall look: Unique, fun, arty, individual, simplistic, but clothes show a daring, exciting edge to her.
- Setting: Photographic studio - reflects music is purely about her+her talent?
- Facial expression: Serious - contradicts fun, exciting feel of photo-shoot (rainbow braces, sparkly top, relaxed pose), but indicates her serious motives when concerned with music production.
- Font: Very ordinary, simple font, but writing has been tilted - indicates her as an artist? Simple and conventional, but with an individual side to her?