1. Firstly, do you tend to listen to this type of acoustic music? (I wanted to double check I had asked a wide range of people to fill in the questionaire - if I had just asked people that generally liked the acoustic genre it may have been a slightly biased review of my work.)
Yes - 8
No - 12
2. Did you enjoy the music video despite your usual taste in music? (As Phoebe Hibbert is generally unknown in the music industry as a whole, I was aiming to create an enjoyable music video+ancillary products for all, even those that aren't prone to listening to acoustic music.)
Yes - 14
No - 6
3. Do you think all three products linked well together? (On this question I had left space for any extra comments. I will write these below.)
Yes - 18
No - 2
Any comments? -
- I liked the fact that the three forms of advertising were all based around the same idea. It was obvious as an outsider that they all were related to the theme of sand, though I did not get the purpose behind the sand until it was explained to me, which I think could be improved.
- The idea was good and original but I think the filming could have been better.
- They all worked well together, they made me want to see more of Phoebe's work.
- As I said before, I didn't really understand the whole sand idea. Although the three worked well together, if you were to re-do the project I'd encourage you to make the whole idea clearer.
- On the digipack cover and the magazine advert, I'd make the egg timer more of a key part as to make the idea easier to understand. I'd also include an egg timer in the video to make a clear link between the three products.
- In the video, the sand could have been made to be more obvious - she could have been swallowed up by it quicker as it took me a while to realise that sand was even going in to the bath. This could have been made more obvious by using better lighting, though.
- I would have been more interested in knowing a bit more about the artist - as she's unknown, I'd like to know a bit more about her, the digipack would have been a good place to include this information, but you only wrote about the songs and videos.
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