Wednesday 21 April 2010

Evaluation Q3 - What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Evaluation Q3 - What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

My audience feedback helped me a lot to understand what people thought of my products, and it gave me a clear idea of whether it would be successful in the music industry or not. One point that came up a lot was that the idea wasn't as clear as it could have been - although people understood that all products had something to do with sand, a lot of the people I asked to fill in the questionaire didn't understand what relation sand had to do with the song. When making my products, I thought the fact that sand timers were included in the digipack and magazine advert would jog people's minds in to thinking the sand in the music video related to being dragged out of control by the weight of the time, yet for some this was not obvious.

This constructive criticisms would be easy to solve if I were to re-do the project, but I am unable to do anything about this now as I have finished the video. If I were to re-do the project, I would choose to include sand timers in the video possibly surrounding the bath, or falling in the bath along with the sand.

The audience feedback showed the links I made between all three products worked really well - 18 out of 20 people said they understood the links between them, which I find pretty successful. I think if I were to do what I said above, and include sand timers in the video too, the link between the three would be even more evident. I also think that if I included black in the video more than just the black dress, the links would be easier to understand, as the backdrop I used in the photograph for the ancillary products are pitch black.

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