Tuesday 1 December 2009

Big problem!

  • As I'm using my sister in the music video, it was easy to do tests of the video at home. Doing a test of my music video, I realised that having my sister singing with sand coming out of her mouth didn't look good at all - it didn't fall out of her mouth evenly, ended up coming out in three splurges per mouthful of sugar ('sand'), and just looked terrible. Because of this, I'm having to change my idea. I liked the idea of using sand/sugar in my production, as I think the idea of sand really worked with the lyrics of the song, and was a well thought out idea. I re-looked at some of my previous ideas (e.g. sand falling down whilst song plays + sister sings, sister singing song whilst keeping many sand timers running), but wasn't happy with them so I started to think about possible ideas again.

  • I thought of the idea of something filling up with sand, as if the higher it gets the less time the singer has to reveal their feelings. After thinking about suitable objects/ways to fill with sand, I thought it would look good for Ellie to be in a bath, that's slowly being filled up with sand. When the sand reaches her head, it will stop pouring into the bath but she'd now be unable to move as the weight of the sand is tying her down.

  • After researching into this idea, I found out that the average bath holds 135 litres. After having to convert kilograms to litres, I worked out that nine or so bags of play sand (15kg) will be enough to fill the bath (with a person in it). Each 15kg bag being £2.99, this'll work out to be £26.91 for the whole video. 

  • I'm having issues about what I want Ellie to wear in the bath. Initially, I wanted her to wear smart, dressed up, seductive clothes, to signify how close she was to revealing how she felt. Then, I thought it might be better for her to wear more casual clothes to signify her what seems to be casual attitude towards the relationship. I've decided to put together two possible outfits, one casual and one dressed up, and take photos of her in the bath as if the sand was being poured on her. This will then give me more of an idea about which outfit will look best, whether it works well with the shape and colour of the bath, and whether sand falls well on it the outfit (e.g. pouring sand on to silk will look very different to pouring sand onto a rough fabric like denim or linen).

  • Thinking about this, I want to make it look like she's actually in a bath with water. I'm thinking of placing candles around the bath to create an atmosphere as if she's trying to calm herself down and relax in the bath, but the sand is swallowing her up not allowing her to relax (as in her free time she's simply thinking about how time is running out). Half way through the video, I want her to dip her hand in water (that will be placed out of the shot so it's not obvious), and rub her eyes, so her make up smudges as if she's in a bubble bath. This will also add to the idea that she's getting more and more stressed as time goes on, and as the song goes on as she's dwelling on the subject.

  • As I'm filming at home, I had the choice of filming in two bathrooms. One of them is colourschemed white, blue and green, and the other is more simply white. I've chosen to shoot in the plain white bathroom, as there is a window right next to the bath so there'll be good lighting, and quite a plain background. 

  • I'm going to buy the sand in the next couple of days (I may have to go to various different Argos stores as no one store that's close has more than four packs of sand!), and will take a camera home to film the video!

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